Jan 11, 2012

New Decisions

A lot has gone on in the past three days since my last post. I almost feel that the stress is slowly creeping up on me. Going back to classes has left me exhausted at the end of the day, but I still want to enjoy time with friends and have "me time." I was able to complete the organization of my room on Monday. It practically took all the break time I had between classes, but it was worth it so that I can relax in my room.

This semester I am hoping to base everything off of plans, and griding out my time so that there is no wasted moment. It became more necessary the further I got into the week. Monday I had three classes: a graphic design practium class that deals with real clients, a graphic design history class that relates to more recent graphic designers from 1960 through now, and a management class. So a pretty full first day that starts at 8:00a and ends at 9:00p.

After a tiring Monday, I slept in Tuesday morning until my first class. I am really excited about this class because it is my first class that I've taken that is taught by Professor Bruski. It is a class that helps reconstruct a portfolio that can help in acquiring a job. This class is called professional practice. During this class, I left to get a coffee at the design cafe downstairs, and I ran into one of my favorite professors, Brenda Jones. Once I got back to class, I talked to professor Bruski about my plans for my future. His advice was extremely useful, and I developed several ideas and plans for my portfolio and this semester.

After class I headed to Brenda's office to talk with her and hammer out a few of my ideas and plans for the future, and started to move forward. I decided to take a step in advance for the future by taking an independent study class from Brenda in painting. Now, granted that I am enrolled 18 credits already, I applied for only a one credit course so that I wouldn't be overwhelmed with projects and other situations. It seems that this choice can become fairly flexible. I am so excited for working with Brenda again, and being able to paint again this semester.

I attended her class that same day at 2:00, and got all set up to be a part of the studio. After getting set up, I left to go to my Marketing class across campus. It seemed like it would be a fairly straightforward class and should be a class I can learn something from. After that class I had another graphic design class that deals with practical graphic design stuff like taxes, clients, job interviews, and guest speakers. Another long day! And that was just the scholastic part of my day, I also taked to friends and family and met up with people that I hadn't seen in a while.

Today was a long day. I only had two classes, but I also was getting things set up for the rest of the semester. I had my practium class today, as well as my graphic design history class. I also hung out with my friend Rebekah, officially added my independent study course, and took my laptop computer to get its hard drive fixed. So many things going on. I have a list super long to get in order, due dates, and plenty of syllabi to read. Wish me luck with my semester, it's gonna be a handful!

1 comment:

  1. It was great seeing you last weekend. You are a busy lady. Remember that everything you want to accomplish doesn't have to be done perfectly and done today! It was fun making the T-shirt scarf with you. Am now wanting to try making the T-shirt vest. If it turns out like I picture, I think you'll like it. Sure do love you lots. Oma
