Jan 8, 2012

School Starts Tomorrow!

So, I moved into my apartment yesterday. My family came and moved everything around in my room. My dad set up my futon for me, and my brother set up my computer, desk, and internet area. So, last night I slept in my apartment for the first time. Yay! It was a little chilly because my window has a leak in it, and it lets in a little cold air. But, that's okay because I have tons of blankets.

Anyway, today I took all of my clothes out of boxes and hung them up in the closet. My closet is so awesome! I have a walk in closet, but I also have a normal closet.  My clothes took up my entire walk in closet, I was kind of overwhelmed with how many clothes that I have in my closet. I feel like I could probably get by the entire semester without wearing the same thing twice.

So now my closet is super fabulous, and organized. I just hope that it stays that way. ( I doubt it. ) I also had a chance to clean out my purse today. I had three wallets in my purse, foreign currency, old receipts, coupons from August 2010, and gum wrappers. I really needed to weed out stuff that I didn't need to carry around.

I then watched a few episodes of random things on my hulu plus account. I really like having that set up, so that I can watch shows when I want to watch them. It was funny though, because after my roommate left, I got nervous being in the apartment by myself and ended up in my room with the door closed. The apartment was making weird ticking noises. But I got over it when my roommate got back.

My roommate's name is Kaitlin, she is super awesome. She goes to the same college as I do, and is in the same major. We went to Rome with the Rome program through our college last semester. She said that friends were coming over to watch movies so I took a shower and got presentable.

Our friend Jared came over, and we started to watch a movie, but it was really hard to focus on the movie because we haven't been able to talk to him since last year. We ended up leaving mid-movie to go look for Super Dogs in Campus Town, however, since it is a Sunday, the stand wasn't there. We ended up at Jimmy Johns and I had a weird sort of turkey sandwich.

We ended up going back to our apartment and watched random stuff on cable. I tried making coffee, without doing any work, and it turned out really bad. Apparently you need to change the ground coffee beans every time. It's just so messy that I didn't want to deal with that and ended up making some really horrible coffee.

Anyway, school starts tomorrow. I have 18 credits this semester, so I am so excited to get started. ( Did you buy that? ) I really hope I graduate unscathed this semester. I am trying to get multiple things done this semester, and I want to do it all perfectly, but I know that I need to be more flexible with my perfectionism. Okay then, wish me luck on my first couple of days!

P.S. For those of you who were wondering, my doggie, Grace, is okay. She has fatty lumps: one on her back, one on her rump, and one on her head. My family is doing our best to make sure she is comfortable. She is currently on pain medicine, and she has difficulty breathing sometimes, but she still comes and greets us at the door when we get home.

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